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My Bookmarks Manager for confluence

Have you ever had trouble organizing all your bookmarks

For example, you want to check your documents during a holiday, or you want to check them at breakfast time, or postpone them to another time

This app organizes all your bookmarks and helps you save everything and easily access them later, helping you make things easier to use and save time.

Enjoy browsing your bookmarks with Confluence while customizing the look to your liking.

- Easily add bookmarks from the share menu

- Organize bookmarks with unlimited directory, allowing you to make more use of your time

- Sort your bookmarks manually as needed

- Easily find the item you want to see


Bookmark This Page

The first step is to go to any page you want to bookmark

Click the three dots ... and go to my bookmark manager

Then add the date and notes for that page as needed

If the page exists, you will have two options: update the date and note according to your choice, or delete it


My Bookmarks Manager

If you want to see all your bookmarks, go to the app, then go to my bookmark manager

This table allows you to organize all your bookmarks and can update and delete them, you can access any page you clicked, you can export to pdf or word by clicking the three dots...

Bookmarks scheduled for reading today

If your favorite reading bookmarks for the day are set, they will appear on the Home in Confluence

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